Thursday, December 21, 2006

Innovative blogging

The internet has become a sort of staple these days without which one(includes myself) cannot function. May be it's just-for-fun surfing without a purpose or surfing with some specific information need. And as you wander around the blogosphere and surf through the labyrinths of the internet you stumble upon some really good links.
Clicking through various links from inside various blogs I found these 2 blogs which I felt is an innovative and even informative way to post to blogs.
Instead of posting your daily happenings or news and links why not post some links or some questions and answers to increase your knowledge and of other readers if any.
My Link List --- posts 2 or 3 links a day but really good links, not the usual news and reviews stuff
Ten Things I Didn't Know Until Last Week----- 10 questions and answers every week, like a General Knowledge quiz. This the blogger says is inspired by BBC's column of the same name but in a different format

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