Sunday, February 04, 2007

AC climate sweltering in between

Mumbai, for the past month is experiencing a pleasant climate.
It is winter and the temperatures range from 26 deg celsius(day) and a low of 17-18 deg celsius(night). I always dream of such a climate throughout the year for Mum. I term this as AC climate. Traditionally November to February and maybe even first half of March was considered the best season in Mumbai, with low humidity and a nice breeze. But this period has been altered by global warming, El Nina/Nino and what not.
Suddenly in the midst of the bliss the last week saw the mercury rise to 35 and the humidity level shoot up causing health problems. Hope this ends and the AC climate continues through Feb 07.

1 comment:

Sanjeev said...

Indeed... was so pleasant during my first week there and then it went to 35 and humid suddenly last week!

Anyways.. good trip - albeit hectic. Highlight will undoubtedly be that evening when I met friends i had not met for many years (21 years, in some cases - does one even call people one has not met for 21 years friends or even acquaintances for that matter?)

Much of the conversation was dominated by interesting tales from Prasad... but hope to see you and Kombdi again the next time for a more relaxed conversation. keep in touch!